Monday, 4 October 2010

Rossendales (Bailiff M Mathews-Higgins) bullying tactics

Earlier today had a very unpleasant visit with a bailiff from Rossendales baliffs.

The bailiff, names M Mathews-Higgins was rude, aggressive and swore at me.

She refused to enter into conversation about a sensible payment plan.

She because aggressive when I denied her entry.

She then told me "I was a little shit" after she threatened to ring the police once she noticed my camera.

Rossendales wont put me through to Julie Green-Jones, the chairman of Rossendales. I guess they act on her instructions. So Rossendales, you are bullying, lying scum.

Anyway, make your own mind up (I recorded most it):

PS, this video was placed on youtube. Within 24 hours a complaint was made about the video and it was removed. Clearly someone doesn't want you to watch it.

Anyway I found another way of getting it online.